The WasteWatcher

DOJ Sets its Antitrust Eyes on Live Nation - Ticketmaster
DOJ’s suit will likely fail to promote competition or bring down prices for consumers in the long run.

USPS Plan Cannot Be Delivered As PMG DeJoy Obstinately Claims
Despite growing evidence of problems, PMG DeJoy doubles down on his Delivering for America plan to supposedly save USPS.

The FTC Wrongly Blames PBMs for High Drug Prices
The FTC fails to acknowledge the benefits of pharmacy benefit managers and wrong blames them for high drug prices.

House Defense Bills Break with Pentagon Guidance
Disagreements between the Pentagon and the House of Representatives over the number of F-35s to be purchased will drive up costs.

SCOTUS Delivers a Blow to the Regulatory State
Chevron deference is overturned by the Supreme Court in its ruling in favor of Loper Bright Enterprises.

GAO Annual Report Provides Opportunities to Cut Wasteful Spending
Government Accountability Office suggests cost-cutting measures for student loans, federal office space, and other expenditures

Fairfax County Supervisors Consider Raising Taxes on Food while Raising their own Salaries
Board Chairman Jeff McKay gave himself a 45 percent raise - now calls for a "meals tax" at the highest rate in Northern Virginia.

The Farm Bill's Sweet Deal for Sugar Must Be Reformed or Replaced
The sugar program benefits producers and harms consumers and leads to job losses.

Colorado Stymies Consumers’ Access to Credit
New lending law will limit financial services Coloradans may purchase from out of state.

Congress Needs to Stop the FCC From Taking Over the Internet
Congress, not the FCC, should decide how the internet should be regulated.

CCAGW Urges House of Representatives to Oppose H.R. 8371
Title V of H.R. 8371 would slow deployments and improvements to the VA electronic health record management system.

USPS Needs to Pause Implementation and Deliver Answers to Questions About the Delivering for America Plan
Implementation of the USPS Delivering for American plan must be paused until key questions are answered.