The WasteWatcher
The DC Beverage Tax Will Harm Small Businesses and Consumers
DC's proposed tax on sweetened beverages will harm small businesses and are likely to be ineffective.
Target-Rich Environment for Duplication Report
The annual GAO report on duplication in federal spending provides opportunities to increase efficiency in the federal government.
Republican Study Committee Budget Is Good News for Taxpayers
The RSC budget includes the elimination and consolidation of dozens of programs and agencies.
Sen. Rand Paul Grills Dr. Fauci on NIH Grants and Wuhan Institute of Virology
Increased oversight in how federal funding is spent for health research was made very clear in a May 11 Senate HELP hearing.
A Wealth Tax Will Slow Down Economic Growth
A wealth tax will slow down economic growth and drive out the wealthiest people that pay the most in taxes.
The IRS Should Not Fill Out Tax Returns
Proposed tax simplification bills would force taxpayers to convince the IRS when it makes mistakes on their tax bills.
Congress Displays High Level of Support for Earmarks
Early results strongly suggest members of Congress will widely embrace the return of earmarks.
Biden Trips Badly on Intellectual Property in TRIPS
Days after praising World Intellectual Property Day, President Biden agrees to waive US COVID-19 patents.
FDA Moves to Ban Menthol Cigarettes
The Food and Drug Administration's proposal to ban menthol-flavored tobacco put consumers at risk with illicit products.
Beware the Words Investment and Free
When government officials talk about “investment” and “free” programs, taxpayers need to hang onto their wallets.
All Nations Must Respect and Protect Intellectual Property Rights
World Intellectual Property (IP) Day is a good time to remind all countries of the need to protect and respect IP rights.
Pelosi’s Healthcare Nightmare Is Coming Back
Speaker Pelosi's (D-Calif.) 2019 drug pricing bill was introduced again, with all the horribles it had before but more dangerous.