The WasteWatcher
Access to Telemedicine Should Be Permanent
Telemedicine should be permanent beyond the coronavirus pandemic.
Earmarks Return, Without Full Transparency
The House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee brought back earmarks without transparency.
Knoxville Should Not Build a Government-Owned Broadband Network
Knoxville, Tennessee considering a government-owned network that would be costly, wasteful and potentially unsuccessful.
An Ominous Return of Earmarks in the House Transportation Bill
Legislators took full advantage of one of the first opportunities to add earmarks.
To Serve or not to Serve: The Broadband Map Question
The Broadband DATA Act gave the FCC funding to create new broadband maps. NTIA has its own new map for broadband.
Obamacare Survives Third Court Challenge
The Supreme Court tossed out ObamaCare lawsuit, California et al v. Texas, stating the plaintiffs have no standing.
$40 Billion Broadband Bill Is Costly, Unnecessary, and Wasteful
The BRIDGE Act of 2021 would do more harm than good.
Biden Budget Offers Potential Oversight Tool on 340B Program
The Biden administration's budget includes new enforcement tools for oversight of the 340B program but the details will matter.
Easing Occupational Licensing Restrictions will help Americans Overcome Barriers to Employment
Removing occupational licensing barriers at the federal level provides more freedom to states to reduce requirements
Canadian Drug Importation Continues to Face Obstacles
HHS asks court to dismiss PhRMA lawsuit on Canadian drug importation, stating they have no standing.
Lack of Trust in Public Health Authorities Will Impact Debate on Medicare for All
The U.S. public health system has a trust problem due to their handling of COVID-19.
Court Rules in Favor of FCC in Franchise Fee Dispute
Court rules "in-kind" and "add-on" requirements should be included in the five percent cap on franchise fees.