The WasteWatcher
Consolidating Government
Duplication within federal government agencies and programs is a long-standing issue. Redundancies within agencies waste taxpayer dollars and creates an unnecessarily burdensome bureaucracy.
Leveraging cloud computing to ensure cost savings
As government agencies at all levels continue to face tremendous pressure to do more with less, the use of cloud computing tools to reduce the cost of information technology (IT) infrastructure is particularly enticing as an opportunity to save...
Congress and USPS: Rearranging the Deck Chairs
One does not need to be an accountant to recognize that the United States Postal Service (USPS), which lost $8.5 billion in fiscal year (FY) 2010, $5.1 billion in FY 2011, and is on pace to lose another $11 billion in FY 2012, is in dire straits....
Potential Savings Exist in MDAP
The current economic climate, record national debt, and automatic cuts to the Department of Defense (DOD) posed by sequestration have placed defense spending on the political front burner. Leaders in Washington, even inside the Pentagon, have stated...
Rail Boondoggles Not Limited to High-Speed Projects
It is no secret that many of the Obama Administration’s transportation initiatives have taken taxpayers for a ride. The culprit has been the tens of billions of dollars in funding for high-speed rail projects that the federal government has...
Budget Season: The Most Expensive Time of the Year
Under President Obama’s watch, federal spending has continued to balloon unchecked and taxpayers now hold the bill for a staggering $15.6 trillion national debt. There has never been a more crucial time in the nation’s history to pass a fiscally...
Stop the state raids on the E 911 communications funds
In most situations, consumers expect to get what they are paying for. For example, communications bills in most states include an Enhanced 911 (E 911) tax or fee. Based on its title, consumers would assume that this money is used for upgrades to the...
Government Waste Watchdogs Under Fire
Federal spending, both in real terms as well as a percentage of gross domestic product, has swollen to near-historic levels. An equally alarming, but less high-profile trend compound taxpayers’ concerns: government watchdogs, tasked to sniff out...
Next Steps for Healthcare Reform
While no one can be sure of the outcome of the Supreme Court case on Obamacare, if the Court finds the law is unconstitutional, Congress will be forced to consider a new approach to providing more affordable access to healthcare for millions of...
It’s Déjà Vu All Over Again: GAO Exposes Government Waste and Duplication at its Worst
On March 1, 2011, the Government Accountability Office (GAO) published “Opportunities to Reduce Potential Duplication in Government Programs, Save Tax Dollars, and Enhance Revenue,” identifying 34 agencies, offices, and initiatives that provide...
Developing a Consumer Privacy Bill of Rights
As the use of online services increases, reports about the tracking and monitoring of consumers’ online use by government and corporations are on the rise.
FHA – The Next Housing Bailout
On February 29, 2102, like a perverted state-run version of Charles Dickens’ novel Oliver Twist, officials at the bankrupt government-sponsored housing enterprise (GSE) Fannie Mae, after sustaining another $24 billion in losses during the previous...