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The WasteWatcher

The WasteWatcher

The Case Against Keystone XL Gets Weaker

Late Friday afternoon, right around when most people likely tuned out and stopped reading the news, the State Department released a report stating that the Keystone XL Pipeline would have little impact on climate change.

CAGW Staff March 5, 2013
The WasteWatcher

Delivering a Turnaround to the Postal Service

The United States Postal Service (USPS) is broken. It is fixable.

CAGW Staff March 4, 2013
The WasteWatcher

Congress Sets Its Eyes on IT Acquisition Reform

On February 27, 2013, the House Committee on Government Reform held its second hearing on information technology (IT) acquisition reform.

Deborah Collier February 28, 2013
The WasteWatcher

Prime Cuts 2013

On the eve of sequestration, Citizens Against Government Waste (CAGW) today released Prime Cuts 2013, our annual comprehensive list of spending cuts.

Thomas Schatz February 28, 2013
The WasteWatcher

What If You Manufactured a Crisis, and No One Panicked?

On Friday, March 1st, 2013, the Second Mayan Apocalypse will occur – or so President Obama might have you believe.

William Christian February 27, 2013
The WasteWatcher

The Madness of King Barack?

Washington Post Associate Editor and uber-journo Bob Woodward has been blurting out all kinds of cogent things lately, most of it is giving the White House fits. But he is saying what many people are thinking.

Leslie Paige February 27, 2013
The WasteWatcher

It’s Getting Scary Out There…

We just received a copy of Organizing for Action’s email to their supporters. This group is the president’s restructured re-election operation, still carrying on his never-ending campaign. 

Leslie Paige February 27, 2013
The WasteWatcher

Last Night's Biggest Snub? Taxpayers

Last night, as you may have heard, America's film industry threw itself a massive party, and while some of the attendees looked to be in danger of starving, none of them looked especially poor. Anyhow, today the media is buzzing over Ang Lee's upset...

CAGW Staff February 25, 2013
The WasteWatcher

National Debt Estimates Vary By Tens of Trillions

Trying to figure out the exact size of the national debt is a more complicated question than one may think.

CAGW Staff February 25, 2013
The WasteWatcher

Never Ending Problems for the F-35

For the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter, trouble has again reared its ugly head. 

Sean Kennedy February 22, 2013
The WasteWatcher

The Right Stuff to Cut

Incoming Joint Economic Committee Chairman Kevin Brady's (R-Texas) National Review Online op-ed, "What Kind of Cuts Grow the Economy," makes it clear that the right kind of spending cuts will increase economic growth and create jobs. 

Thomas Schatz February 21, 2013
The WasteWatcher

Implement GAO Reforms: Culberson-Coburn or a Commission?

While February 2nd has long been recognized as Ground Hog Day, perhaps February 5th – at least for this year – should be coined Government Waste Elimination Day. On February 5, 2013, CAGW President Tom Schatz testified before the House Committee on...

William Christian February 20, 2013
