states | Citizens Against Government Waste


The WasteWatcher

The Biden Budget Poses an Existential Threat to the States

The President's proposed budget would distort the balance of power between the federal and state governments.

Ryan Lanier March 23, 2023
The WasteWatcher

House Renews Consideration of Privacy Legislation

House subcommittee holds hearing to discuss what should be included in legislation to protect consumer data privacy.

Deborah Collier March 6, 2023
The WasteWatcher

States Should Take the Lead on Fiscal Responsibility in 2023

States should take the lead in restoring fiscal sanity, establishing accountability, and increasing innovation.

Ryan Lanier February 2, 2023
The WasteWatcher

Federal Funding for Broadband Should Be Vendor and Technology Neutral

When planning infrastructure spending on broadband deployment, rules should be technology and vendor neutral.

Deborah Collier July 18, 2022
The WasteWatcher

Stadium Project Funding Fails to Hit a Home Run

Instead of squandering more money for a new stadium in Oakland, the city and state should focus on protecting the taxpayers.

Frances Floresca August 18, 2021
The WasteWatcher

Governor Cuomo’s Bridge Light Show Plans Go Dark

Gov. Andrew Cuomo's (D-N.Y.) is known for his failed schemes to boost the state's economy.  

Frances Floresca August 4, 2021
The WasteWatcher

A National Data Privacy Framework Is Needed Rather than Individual State Laws

States should encourage Congress to pass a national data privacy framework instead of creating their own. 

Frances Floresca July 12, 2021
The WasteWatcher

Consumers Win When Their Welfare is Protected

The antitrust consumer welfare standard is under fire from changes at the FTC, legislation and lawsuits.

Deborah Collier July 9, 2021
The WasteWatcher

Easing Occupational Licensing Restrictions will help Americans Overcome Barriers to Employment

Removing occupational licensing barriers at the federal level provides more freedom to states to reduce requirements

Frances Floresca June 3, 2021
The WasteWatcher

A Wealth Tax Will Slow Down Economic Growth

A wealth tax will slow down economic growth and drive out the wealthiest people that pay the most in taxes.

Frances Floresca May 10, 2021
The WasteWatcher

The Sour Taste of Beverage Taxes

Taxes on sweetened beverages are ineffective and will place a heavier burden on those who can least afford them.

Frances Floresca April 16, 2021
The WasteWatcher

Wireless Taxes are Costly for Consumers

Wireless tax increases can burden families and can lead to pay for projects unrelated to telecommunications. 

Frances Floresca March 25, 2021
