Spectrum | Page 3 | Citizens Against Government Waste


The WasteWatcher

Time to Reform FCC’s Designated Entity Program

There is a problem when a large business is able to use a federal program designed to help small and minority-owned businesses in order to obtain discounts from the government.

Deborah Collier April 6, 2015
The WasteWatcher

Freeing Up Government Held Spectrum

On December 11, 2013, the House Energy and Commerce Committee voted to approve a bi-partisan measure that would provide incentives to federal agencies to free up more spectrum.

Deborah Collier December 11, 2013
The WasteWatcher

Unchanging Laws in a Marketplace of Change

The Center for Disease Control released a June 2013 report showing the number of households using only wireless telephone services is on the rise.  This trend reinforces the need to update existing telecommunications

Deborah Collier June 19, 2013
The WasteWatcher

Spectrum Auction Winners or Losers

The federal government is once again picking winners and losers.

Deborah Collier April 15, 2013
The WasteWatcher

An Increasingly Connected Society Needs Spectrum

According to a January 7, 2013 article in Wireless Week, on December 25, 2012, nearly 17.4 million mobile devices, including tablets, Smartphones, and cell phones were activated.

Deborah Collier January 14, 2013
