Congress Must Restore Spectrum Auction Authority
A year has passed since the FCC lost its spectrum auction authority. It is time for Congress to renew this authority.
Planning for the Future of Spectrum
Reauthorizing the FCC's auction authority should be a priority for Congress, along with passing a CR and the NDAA.
Long-Term Extension of Spectrum Auction Authority is Essential
The continuing resolution passed by Congress includes spectrum auction authority for the FCC, but only until December 16, 2022.
Spectrum Coordination Needs to Expand Across More Federal Agencies
The FCC and NTIA announced signing an MOU on spectrum allocation coordination. Other federal agencies should join this effort.
The Inflation Reduction Act Is a Fiscal Disaster
The Inflation Reduction Act of 2022 will raise taxes, increase spending, and prolong both inflation and the recession.
Next Wave of Mid-band Spectrum Scheduled for Auction
Federal Communications Commission announces schedule for auctioning the 2.5 GHz spectrum licenses.
The FCC Could Have a Dark Future
The FCC should avoid reentering the Dark Ages of overreaching rules and regulations.
Commissioner Carr's Good Ideas for Broadband
FCC Commissioner Brendan Carr recently spoke with CAGW President Tom Schatz about spectrum. Here is an overview of his ideas.
A Silver Anniversary Worth Noting
A path forward for telecommunications on the 25th Anniversary of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
FCC Commences C-Band Auction
On February 28, 2020, the FCC adopted a report and order designating a portion of the c-band spectrum to be auctioned for 5G deployment.
FCC Action on 5.9 GHz Will Free Up Vital Spectrum for Unlicensed Use
The FCC's November meeting includes a much needed and significant decision on 5.9 GHz that will free up long underutilized spectrum for unlicensed use.
C-Band Spectrum Moves One Step Closer to Auction
The auction of the c-band spectrum is expected to begin on December 8, 2020.