Postal Service | Citizens Against Government Waste

Postal Service

The WasteWatcher

Senators Should Demand Due Diligence from USPS Board of Governors

Senators must ask Board of Governors nominees to agree to fix problems after USPS reported a $9.5 billion loss.

Thomas Schatz November 14, 2024
The WasteWatcher

USPS Delivering for America Plan Needs to Deliver More

The U.S. Postal Service will lose $8 billion in FY 2024 and the Delivering for American Plan is not working as intended.

Thomas Schatz October 28, 2024
The WasteWatcher

Best Laid Plans: Another USPS IG Report, Another Failed Attempt to Save Money

As has been pointed out repeatedly in the past few years, United States Postal Service (USPS) management continues to struggle mightily to enact efficiencies or carve out savings from its operations.  And this continues to be the case despite the...

Leslie Paige October 17, 2019
The WasteWatcher

USPS’s 12 Years of Financial Woe

On November 14, 2018, the United States Postal Service (USPS) announced that, for the 12th year running, it lost money.  While this annual revelation has become something of a dog bites man story, the new, and more alarm

Leslie Paige November 29, 2018
The WasteWatcher

President Trump’s Postal Task Force Should Consider Locality Pay

There are many commonsense reforms that the task force should examine that could put the USPS on a sustainable financial path and help it perform more like a private-sector business.

CAGW Staff July 11, 2018
The WasteWatcher

USPS: Carrying Water (Not Mail) for Secretary Clinton

On July 19, 2017, the Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Government Affairs (HSGAC) held a hearing titled, “The Postal Service’s Actions During the 2016 Campaign Season:  Implications for the Hatch Act.”  During testimony from both the United...

Rachel Cole July 21, 2017
The WasteWatcher

USPS Board of Governors Now Empty

On December 8, 2016, Chairman James Bilbray of the U.S.

Rachel Cole December 12, 2016
The WasteWatcher

Postal Workers Protest Privatization of USPS, and Other Wishful Reforms

On August 23, 2016, postal workers held a rally on the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) during the American Postal Workers Union’s convention in Orlando, Florida.  The union has come out ag

Rachel Cole August 24, 2016
The WasteWatcher

USPS Saves Less than Predicted from POStPlan

A recently released Government Accountability Office (GAO) report found that the United States Postal Service’s (USPS) “Post Office Structure Plan” (POStPlan) has failed to achieve the savings first predicted by USPS in 2012.  The POStPlan aspired...

Rachel Cole May 6, 2016
The WasteWatcher

Fail and Expand: The USPS Way

In the world inhabited by rational people, when a business repeatedly falters and fails make a profit, it is slated for downsizing and a return to the basic services where it had previously operated effectively. But, in the world of government-...

Curtis Kalin May 27, 2015
The WasteWatcher

Study: Postal Service Receives $18 Billion Per-Year in Monopoly Benefits

A report by former top Commerce Department official and Clinton economic adviser Robert Shapiro reveals the inherent subsidies and monopoly benefits provided to the United States Postal Service (USPS) result in more than $18 billion in financial...

Curtis Kalin March 27, 2015
The WasteWatcher

USPS In-APPtitude on Display

Sometimes, when it comes to grAPPling with the overarching, mind-numbing problem of trillions in government waste across all federal agencies, it's the little vignettes that really illustrate and crystallize the larger story.

Leslie Paige December 4, 2014
