Congress Needs to Stop the FCC From Taking Over the Internet
Congress, not the FCC, should decide how the internet should be regulated.

The FCC's Not So Merry-Go-Round of Net Neutrality
The Biden administration’s creates uncertainty for future of broadband deployments across America and wastes taxpayer resources.

Connecting Americans to Broadband Should Not Be Impeded
With $42.45 billion on the line to connect unserved communities, NTIA should not force states like Virginia to rate regulate.

A Disturbing Trend for Broadband Deployment
With $42.5 billion available for broadband deployment, funding should be available regardless of technology or vendor type.

CAGW Responds to Sen. Thune's Broadband Questions
Letter from Sen. John Thune (R-S.D.) begins oversight process into broadband spending. Here is CAGW's Response.

Senate Hearing Must Focus on Avoiding Duplicative Middle Mile Broadband Funding
Senate hearing should focus on a review of current broadband spending programs, particularly spending for middle-mile deployments.

Spectrum Coordination Needs to Expand Across More Federal Agencies
The FCC and NTIA announced signing an MOU on spectrum allocation coordination. Other federal agencies should join this effort.

Federal Funding for Broadband Should Be Vendor and Technology Neutral
When planning infrastructure spending on broadband deployment, rules should be technology and vendor neutral.

Federal Funds for Broadband Must Not Be Wasted
With an unprecedented amount of funds available for broadband, federal agencies must be careful not to waste taxpayer resources.

Broadband Infrastructure Dollars Must be Used Wisely
The $65 billion for broadband infrastructure in the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act must be used wisely.

To Serve or not to Serve: The Broadband Map Question
The Broadband DATA Act gave the FCC funding to create new broadband maps. NTIA has its own new map for broadband.

$40 Billion Broadband Bill Is Costly, Unnecessary, and Wasteful
The BRIDGE Act of 2021 would do more harm than good.