New York City

Governor Cuomo’s Bridge Light Show Plans Go Dark
Gov. Andrew Cuomo's (D-N.Y.) is known for his failed schemes to boost the state's economy.
August 4, 2021

NYC Mayor Bill De Blasio Proves Once Again He Is the Worst Mayor Ever
NYC Mayor Bill De Blasio continues to ask for bailouts for the city, despite irresponsible spending before and during the pandemic.
November 3, 2020

Basic Lack of Accountability Plagues NYC First Lady’s Mental Health Initiative
In 2015, New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio asked his wife, First Lady Chirlane McCray, to lead an effort to tackle mental health challenges in the city. Called ThriveNYC, it purported to offer a “roadmap
March 1, 2019

De Blasio’s Trolley Goes Off The Rails
A trickle of negative stories about New York Mayor Bill De Blasio’s (D) proposed Brooklyn-Queens waterfront trolley, known as the BQX, has turned into a deluge.
June 18, 2018

New York Politicians Wage War on Plastic
New York Governor Andrew Cuomo and New York City Mayor Bill De Blasio, both Democrats, are widely reported
April 27, 2018