
Medicare Must Be Reformed and Saved Not Expanded
Expanding benefits for medicare will hasten the program’s impending depletion.

The IRA Has Undermined Medicare Part D
The Inflation Reduction Act creates instability in the Medicare Part D Program.

Medicare Advantage Should Not Be Disadvantaged
Taxpayers and beneficiaries should be concerned with the Biden administration’s proposed cuts to Medicare Advantage.

Trump Administration Initiates Wide-Reaching Changes to Aid in COVID-19 Patient Surge
CMS Administrator Seema Verma announced numerous changes the administration is making to Medicare.

Congress can Prevent Taxpayers from Getting Hit with Health Insurance Tax
With only a couple weeks left on the 2019 legislative calendar and much of the air on Capitol Hill being consumed by impeachment, Congress is missing out on a painless bipartisan victory that could save taxpayers hundreds of dollars in health...

President Trump's Great Ideas to Improve Medicare and the Contradictions
His effort to enhance Medicare is commendable.

Is the Prescription Drug Pricing Reduction Act Another Obamacare?
For weeks, there was little information on what would be in the legislation since it was being discussed and written behind closed doors.

USPS Losses Deepening; Bold Postal Reform Wallows
The United States Postal Service (USPS) today released its fiscal year (FY) 2019 2nd quarter financial statement and the news is both predictable and alarming.

Using an International Pricing Index is NOT the Way to Lower Drug Costs
On December 6, John O’Brien, the senior advisor on drug pricing reform to Health and Human Services (HHS) Secretary Alex Azar, published a blog, entitled, “How the IPI Model Would Intro

The BBA, Medicare Part D, and a Cautionary Tale
When President Trump signed the Bipartisan Budget Act (BBA) for fiscal years 2018 and 2019 on February 9, 2018, Citizens Against Government Waste (CAGW) objected because of its proli

Taxpayers and Patients Win First Round on 340B Drug Discount Rule
On January 1, 2018, hospitals will begin to receive lower government reimbursements for drugs purchased under the 340B program.

Welcome to Medicare ... or not
Individuals who are not on Social Security at age 65 are supposed to sign up for Medicare anytime between three months before their 65th birthday and three months thereafter.