GAO Annual Report Provides Opportunities to Cut Wasteful Spending
Government Accountability Office suggests cost-cutting measures for student loans, federal office space, and other expenditures

Better IT Coordination May Lead to Improved Outcomes
GAO spotlights the need for greater coordination between 18F and USDS to reduce informatin technology duplication and waste.

GAO Delivers Late on USPS Reforms
GAO delivers outdated recommendations as Congress moves ahead with reforms.

USPS Ends Another Fiscal Year With Billion-Dollar Losses
There is no doubt that the USPS is facing a serious financial crisis.

USPS Struggles with Finding and Measuring Efficiencies
Math is hard. Especially when it comes to the USPS and its attempts to save money.

The “Little Crappy Ship’s” Decade of Failure
When the Littoral Combat Ship (LCS) launched on April 26, 2008, it was intended to modernize the Navy and become “the ba
House Appropriations Boosts Spending for Costly F-35 Program… Again
On Wednesday, June 13, 2018, the House Committee on Appropriations passed the fiscal year (FY) 2019 Defense Appropriations bill by a vote of 48-4. The bill provides $674.6 billion in total spending for the

Let the USDA Catfish Inspection Program Off The Hook!
The US Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) catfish inspection program has already been called out on nine separate occasions, February 2011, March 2011, May 2012, February 2013, April 2013, April 2014, December 2014, February 2015, and April 2015, by...