Federal Communications Commission | Citizens Against Government Waste

Federal Communications Commission

The WasteWatcher

Commissioner Carr's Good Ideas for Broadband

FCC Commissioner Brendan Carr recently spoke with CAGW President Tom Schatz about spectrum. Here is an overview of his ideas.

Deborah Collier April 19, 2021
The WasteWatcher

Reforms are Needed for Financing the Universal Service Fund

The current funding mechanism for the Universal Service Fund is unsustainable and needs to be reviewed.

Deborah Collier January 25, 2021
The WasteWatcher

C-Band Spectrum Moves One Step Closer to Auction

The auction of the c-band spectrum is expected to begin on December 8, 2020.

Deborah Collier August 6, 2020
The WasteWatcher

Keeping Americans Connected and Safe

How federal agencies respond to the COVID-19 virus will affect Americans across the country.

Deborah Collier March 18, 2020
The WasteWatcher

State AGs Are Wrong on T-Mobile/Sprint Merger

On June 11, 2019, 10 state attorneys general (AGs), in California, Colorado, Connecticut, the District of Columbia, Maryland, Michigan, Mississippi, New York, Virginia and Wisconsin filed a lawsuit opposing the T

Deborah Collier June 20, 2019
The WasteWatcher

A Free Internet One Year Later

One year ago, net neutrality proponents were demanding action, protesting in the streets, and threatening public officials and their families because the internet was going to die when the Restoring Internet Free

Deborah Collier June 11, 2019
The WasteWatcher

24 GHz Spectrum Auction Wraps Amid Inter-Agency Controversy

As private sector companies continue to build next generation (5G) wireless networks, a controversy over the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) auction of the 24 GHz frequency is brewing.  Spectrum Auction 102 was completed on May 29, 2019,...

Deborah Collier June 3, 2019
The WasteWatcher

The Fallacy of Surveys and Studies

In college, during a discussion of surveys in one of my political science classes, I learned that survey writers often skew questions to achieve the desired results.  A prime example of how this occurs can be found in a

Deborah Collier March 15, 2019
The WasteWatcher

FCC Taking Steps to Protect Consumers from Robotexts

Much like robocalls to cell phones, text messaging scams are on the increase.

Deborah Collier December 6, 2018
The WasteWatcher

States Must Stop Diverting 9-1-1 Fees

The National Emergency Number Association estimates that 240 million 9-1-1 calls are made each year, with more than 80 percent of those calls originating from wireless devices in some areas of the country.  The 9-1-1 emergency systems, includi

Deborah Collier August 21, 2018
The WasteWatcher

FCC Should Focus on Economic Benefits of T-Mobile/Sprint Merger

On June 18, 2018, T-Mobile and Sprint submitted their requests with the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) for approval to merge their companies toget

Deborah Collier June 20, 2018
The WasteWatcher

The Internet is Alive and Well as of June 11, 2018

On June 11, 2018, the Restoring Internet Freedom Order (RIFO) went into effect.  The hysteria over its impact nearly rivaled the doomsday scenarios created around January 1, 2000, when wild claims were made that every computer system in the world...

Deborah Collier June 11, 2018
