Entitlements | Citizens Against Government Waste


The WasteWatcher

Welcome to Medicare ... or not

Individuals who are not on Social Security at age 65 are supposed to sign up for Medicare anytime between three months before their 65th birthday and three months thereafter.

Thomas Schatz October 11, 2017
The WasteWatcher

Computer Glitches or Poor Program Management

According to a July 17, 2013 Government Accountability Office (GAO) report, the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) had obligated $303.4 million (77 percent of its total obligations for Obamacare) to establish the healthcare data hu

Deborah Collier October 9, 2013
The WasteWatcher

Legislation Puts Medicare Recovery Auditing, and Taxpayers, At Risk

Government waste, fraud, and abuse are a scourge on American taxpayers and a multi-billion dollar insult to the federal budget, but preventing improper payments, particularly in Medicare, is now running into roadblocks despite being a rare example...

Leslie Paige September 19, 2013
The WasteWatcher

Senators Seek Elimination of Wasteful and Overlapping Benefit Payments

On June 6, NBC News and The Wall Street Journal released a poll that showed Americans blame welfare programs more than any other reason for persistent

Thomas Schatz June 7, 2013
The WasteWatcher

The Farmers Love This Bill

“The farmers love this bill, The farmers love this bill, High, HIGH, the dairies go, The farmers love this bill!”

William Christian May 14, 2013
The WasteWatcher

Entitlements – Welfare and Unemployment

Entitlements – Welfare and Unemployment The United States has a significant, current and growing problem with entitlement spending, particularly the federal portion.

CAGW Staff April 5, 2013
The WasteWatcher

Provocative Social Security Reforms

America has a significant, current and growing problem with both the absolute amount of entitlement spending, as well as the portion of total Federal governmental spending represented by this spending category.

CAGW Staff March 11, 2013
The WasteWatcher

The Right Stuff to Cut

Incoming Joint Economic Committee Chairman Kevin Brady's (R-Texas) National Review Online op-ed, "What Kind of Cuts Grow the Economy," makes it clear that the right kind of spending cuts will increase economic growth and create jobs. 

Thomas Schatz February 21, 2013
The WasteWatcher

Heads in the Sand (or somewhere else)

Sen. Tom Harkin (D-Iowa) today became the latest in a growing list of Democrats who claim that the federal government does not have a spending problem. 

Thomas Schatz February 14, 2013