drugs | Citizens Against Government Waste


The WasteWatcher

USPTO-FDA Study Debunks Critics and Demonstrates the Importance of Protecting IP

USPTO-FDA study reinforces the need to protect pharmaceutical intellectual property rights for the future of new drug development.

Deborah Collier September 5, 2024
The WasteWatcher

The Senate Must Reject Price Controls on Pharmaceuticals

Senators should reject price controls on pharmaceuticals; they will not lower prices and lead to fewer future cures.

Thomas Schatz July 7, 2022
The WasteWatcher

All Nations Must Respect and Protect Intellectual Property Rights

World Intellectual Property (IP) Day is a good time to remind all countries of the need to protect and respect IP rights.

Thomas Schatz April 26, 2021
The WasteWatcher

Hospitals Serving Vulnerable Communities Chase Profits at the Expense of Patients

Patients receiving hospital care don't know if they will get stuck with enormous and unexpected bills when they are released.

Elizabeth Wright February 27, 2020
The WasteWatcher

Sen. Elizabeth Warren Offers More Dangerous Healthcare Ideas

Essentially it is Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s (D-Calif.) socialistic drug discount plan, H.R. 3, on steroids.

Elizabeth Wright January 10, 2020
The WasteWatcher

When Will Politicians Learn, Price Controls Do Not Work?

A new bill would create an independent federal agency that would determine and regulate the cost of prescription medications.

Elizabeth Wright November 14, 2019