Bailouts | Citizens Against Government Waste


The WasteWatcher

NYC Mayor Bill De Blasio Proves Once Again He Is the Worst Mayor Ever

NYC Mayor Bill De Blasio continues to ask for bailouts for the city, despite irresponsible spending before and during the pandemic. 

Frances Floresca November 3, 2020
The WasteWatcher

States Should Not Get More Coronavirus Relief Funds

A Treasury Department interim report shows that state and local governments have spent less than a quarter of the $150 billion Coronavirus Relief Fund.

Frances Floresca August 5, 2020
The WasteWatcher

Federal Bailouts Punish Fiscally Responsible States

The House of Representatives prepares to vote on a $3 trillion stimulus bill, which includes $875 billion for state and local governments. 

Frances Floresca May 14, 2020
The WasteWatcher

Ohio Senate to Vote on Nuclear Bailout

FirstEnergy Solutions’ (FES) nuclear power plant in Akron, Ohio needs a taxpayer funded bailout according to the company.

Allen Johnson July 17, 2019
The WasteWatcher

The Multiemployer Pensions Crisis Needs Reform, Not a Bailout

A billion-dollar taxpayer bailout of failing multiemployer pensions is on the horizon.

Peter Klensch July 12, 2019
The WasteWatcher

Senate Disaster Supplemental Would Add Billions of Dollars to Deficit Spending

The Senate is considering another poorly designed disaster aid package.

Allen Johnson March 29, 2019
The WasteWatcher

Nuclear Bailouts - A Radioactive Cost to Taxpayers

On March 22, 2019, the Trump Administration took another step to act on the president’s campaign promise to financially support coal and nuclear power. 

Allen Johnson March 29, 2019
The WasteWatcher

State Energy Bailouts Pose More Urgent Threat Than Green New Deal

The Green New Deal and its associated hyperbole have commanded most of the recent attenti

Spencer Chretien March 12, 2019
The WasteWatcher

Trump Administration takes heat with FERC nominee

All the way back at the beginning of the year, a federal energy regulator unanimously repudiated a proposed rule that would have subsidized coal and nuclear powerplants.

Allen Johnson November 16, 2018
The WasteWatcher

DOE Prepares Bailout for Unprofitable Power Plants

The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) has said that the country has ample power to supply market needs. FERC in

Allen Johnson June 21, 2018
The WasteWatcher

Adiós, Puerto Rico – A Story of Shameless Waste and Inefficiency

Plagued by significant population decline, relocation of businesses, and a crushing debt nea

CAGW Staff June 22, 2016
The WasteWatcher

Clarity on Costs Essential To Postal Reform

USPS is posting one thing very well; losses.

Leslie Paige September 19, 2014
