Seeing Double: Yes, Even More Duplication!
As part of a continuing series, CAGW is providing you with examples of duplication and overlap within the federal government that has been researched by the Government Accountability Office (GAO). In the 2011 GAO annual report, “Opportuniti
CAGW's Prime Cuts Hones in On Programmatic Waste
Every year, Citizens Against Government Waste produces Prime Cuts, a comprehensive list of spending cuts that could be used by Congress to reduce spending and keep the budget under the Budget Control Act spending caps.
Will Earmarks Make a Comeback?
In today’s (August 26, 2013 ) National Journal, there is a column by Fawn Johnson entitled, “Does the Earmark Moratorium Hurt Congress?” (The National Journal is a subscription
Stay Vigilant!
In today’s Congressional Quarterly, the headline reads, “Senate Democrats Weigh Sequester-Replacement Plans for September Votes” immediately followed by “the White House tries to broker a bipartisan budget deal with a small group of Republicans.”
Gridlock is Good
Last week, the NBC News and the WSJ released a poll on Congress’s and President Obama’s approval ratings. The Wall Street Journal states, “Rising frustration over partisan gridlock in Washington has dama
Mixed News on Defense
The summer appropriations process for the Department of Defense (DOD), beginning with the initial authorizing bills, has thus far brought a mixed bag of news.
Forever Red in Illinois
As the Illinois legislature winds up the 2013 session by creating a new $750,000 “Forever Green Illinois Program” (it's really there on pp.
End of the Line for MEADS
The Obama Administration may have just hammered the last nail into the coffin of the Medium Extended Air Defense System (MEADS).
Congress Ends the End of Saturday Delivery
A little-known but costly rider to the fiscal year 2013 continuing resolution has forced the U.S. Postal Service to withdraw its proposal to end Saturday delivery.
Disaster Relief Blows Away
Adding taxpayer insult to personal and business injury, hundreds of millions of dollars have been squandered in an effort to help those affected by the unprecedented storm.
Government Waste TV
There are more than enough egregious examples of mismanagement and inefficiency to create "Government Waste TV."
Pay No Attention to Those Political Appointees Behind the Curtain
Recently, the Washington Examiner’s Paul Bedard informed readers that President’s Obama’s top political appointees make an average of $142,691 annually.