Ajit Pai | Citizens Against Government Waste

Ajit Pai

The WasteWatcher

FCC Walks The Narrow Path on C-Band Auction

Walking the narrow path is not easy and appeasing multiple interests in a FCC proceeding is even more difficult. 

Deborah Collier February 13, 2020
The WasteWatcher

Excessive Cable Franchise Fees to be Scaled Back

In August 2019, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) will take a strong step to modernize rules relating to how local franchise authorities will be permitted to regulate cable operators.

Deborah Collier July 15, 2019
The WasteWatcher

Getting Ready for 5G

There are several technologies being considered for developing the next generation of communications infrastructure.  Among those being studied and deployed are the use of TV white spaces for rural broadband connectivity; wireless fixed broadband...

Deborah Collier March 13, 2018
The WasteWatcher

The Sky is Not Falling, and the World isn't Going to End

The sign that appears in quaint shops and businesses across the country, “Keep Calm and Carry On,” originated from a 1939 British motivational poster.  This applies universally and over time; it is particularly relevant in a world that responds...

Deborah Collier December 14, 2017