The Latest
The Capitol Visitor Center: a Boondoggle in the Making?
For Immediate Release Contact: Sean Rushton/Mark Carpenter
June 17, 2002
Sarbanes Accounting Proposal Still Too Extreme
For Immediate Release Contact: Sean Rushton/Mark Carpenter
June 16, 2002
CCAGW to California: Cut Budget Waste to Reduce Deficits
For Immediate Release Contact: Sean Rushton/Mark Carpenter
June 12, 2002
Nader’s “Waste Reduction” Costly to Taxpayers
For Immediate Release Contact: Sean Rushton/Mark Carpenter
June 5, 2002
The Senate Supplemental – A Case of Frivolous Spending
For Immediate Release Contact: Sean Rushton/Mark Carpenter
June 4, 2002
Senators Conrad and Dorgan are Porkers of the Month for June
have two senators from one state scored zero in the Council for Citizens Against Government Waste’s (CCAGW) Congressional Ratings. The Hawaiians’ ten-year reign comes to an end as Senators Kent Conrad (D-N.Dak.) and Byron Dorgan (D-N.Dak.) have...
May 31, 2002
Senate Supplemental Earmarks
EDUCATION Youth Offenders Eligibility and Award Change (unknown cost)
May 30, 2002