Press Release

For Immediate ReleaseContact: Jim Campi or Aaron Taylor
February 17, 2000(202) 467-5300

(Washington, D.C.) – Appearing at a news conference at the National Press Club this morning, Citizens Against Government Waste (CAGW) President Thomas A. Schatz praised government gadfly and bestselling author Martin Gross on his new book, Government Racket 2000:  All New Washington Waste from A to Z.  Following are Schatz's remarks.

“In his new book, Government Racket 2000, All New Washington Waste from A to Z, Martin Gross does what he does best.  He takes an extraordinarily large and inefficient operation, the federal government, and describes the enormous waste, fraud, abuse, and mismanagement in an insightful and readable manner.  In fact, a lot of what he says and how he says it would be even more humorous if it wasn’t true and it wasn’t our money going to waste.

“He simplifies complicated numbers and makes them understandable to the public.  He synthesizes voluminous reports from the Congressional Budget Office, General Accounting Office and various inspectors general.  He even cites programs in 14 different cabinet agencies and many independent agencies that spend more than $2.5 billion a year on duplicative and competing statistics.

“But Martin never stops at the litany of mismanagement.  He also offers solutions.  He gives careful consideration to restructuring the government in order to deliver the services that are needed to the appropriate beneficiaries.  He has no political ax to grind, and there are no sacred cows in his pasture.

“It's not just his impeccable writing skills that make Martin Gross’s books such bestsellers.  It’s his ability to communicate his findings through the media – television, radio and print – so that even more of the public becomes aware of what is going on with their money.  Citizens Against Government Waste has had the pleasure of Martin’s presence at several of our regional conferences, and his remarks always hit home.  He is a tireless and spirited advocate in the lifelong battle against wasteful spending in Washington.

“I'm not saying all of this just because I am the first person affiliated with a private organization quoted in the book, that’s page 27 – thanks, Martin.  I am saying all of this because there is never enough being said about the waste and abuse of the taxpayers’ money.  As Martin notes at the end of his book, the determination to make real change in Washington wavers among the public.  At those times of voter frustration, the politicians take over the playing field and talk a good game of reform, appeasing those who believe in good government.

“That is just one reason why we at CAGW are pleased that the subject of government waste is becoming an issue in the presidential campaign.  Republican candidates John McCain and Alan Keyes specifically mentioned Citizens Against Government Waste at the debate in South Carolina Tuesday night.  Governor Bush is also engaged in this subject.  The Texas State Comptroller, Carole Rylander, has established the e-Texas commission to modernize and improve state government.  We are hopeful that the eventual Democratic nominee will embrace the elimination of government waste as a top priority as well.  It is the primary objective of CAGW’s more than one million members and supporters for this election year.

“Coinciding with these renewed calls in Martin’s book to get the government’s finances in order, the House Budget Committee today is holding the second in a series of hearings on waste, fraud and abuse.  Speaker of the House Dennis Hastert has made this battle part of the leadership’s agenda for this session of Congress.

“The examples in the book speak for themselves.  I encourage everyone who pays taxes, and those who will do so in the future – I guess that’s every American – to get their hands on Government Racket 2000.  It is illuminating, enlightening, infuriating, and energizing all at the same time.  It will inspire Americans all across the country to get up and get out to join the battle against government waste.”

CAGW is a nonpartisan, nonprofit organization dedicated to eliminating waste, fraud, mismanagement and abuse in government.