Porker of the Month: September
Press Release
In June 1999, Sen. Pete Domenici (R-N.M.) stated that 100 percent of Social Security money belonged to its recipients and should not be squandered on anything else. So imagine the surprise and disgust of Citizens Against Government Waste (CAGW) and many Americans when he broke ranks with the Republican party over the Social Security surplus. In his statement on Social Security and the budget Sen. Domenici did not even mention cutting waste. For this sudden turnaround, breaking a promise both parties have pledged to keep and opening Social Security funds up to the pork-mongers, CAGW names Sen. Pete Domenici its Porker of the Month for September 2001.
Domenici has publicly taken an axe to the revered “iron-clad lock box” of Social Security that was made holy in last year’s election pledges. Sen. Domenici leaves the funds exposed and ripe for the pickings of lawmakers hungry for pork projects in their own states and districts.
Domenici creates the notion that dipping into the Social Security surplus will be necessary in any circumstances, not just the “war, recession and severe emergency” clauses President Bush announced.
Domenici's sudden about face may have something to do with his position as ranking member of the Senate Budget Committee and as an appropriator. Never one to be left behind at the trough, New Mexico ranked in CAGW's top ten per capita states for fiscal 2000 and 2001.
New Mexico is 8th in the nation this year’s Congressional Pig Book, up from 9th last year. For fiscal 2002, the state's take includes $1.25 million for a bus replacement program, $1 million for cryogenic fuel tanks and $150,000 for the Bataan Death March Memorial renovations--the grand total amounting to $9.2 million in pork projects.
For sacrificing fiscal responsibility and going against both his party’s promise and agreed economic wisdom not to touch the Social Security surplus CAGW awards New Mexico Senator Pete Domenici its Porker of the Month for September.