Press Release
For Immediate Release | Contact: Shawn Rychling |
July 22, 1998 | (202) 467-5300 |
(Washington, D.C.) – Citizens Against Government Waste (CAGW), the nation’s premier waste-fighting organization, has named taxpayer activist C.A. Stubbs its Texas State Chairman. The announcement marks the beginning of CAGW initiative to increase its efforts at the state level.
“C.A. Stubbs has been an invaluable asset in Citizens Against Government Waste's continuing fight against waste, fraud, abuse and excessive taxation in the state of Texas,” said CAGW President Thomas A. Schatz. “He has done more on behalf of the taxpayers of Texas than any other grassroots leader in the state.”
Stubbs has been a tax watchdog for 18 years, coordinating his local efforts with the national offices of CAGW and other prominent taxpayer organizations. A 54-year resident of San Antonio, Stubbs began his activist career in 1980 and later founded the Homeowner Taxpayer Association of Bexar County, the largest organization of its kind in the state of Texas. He is also well-known on the radio talk show circuit and as a motivator for fledgling taxpayer groups. Stubbs’ proven leadership will energize CAGW’s 35,000 members across the state of Texas.
“C.A.’s relentless efforts and his ability to spread the word throughout the state with his extensive contacts in the media and taxpayer organizations has made him an effective voice for several decades,” said Schatz. “He is an outstanding example of the positive impact taxpayers can have on the way government does business.”
CAGW is a 600,000-member nonprofit organization dedicated to the elimination of government waste, fraud, abuse and mismanagement.