CAGW Issues Critical Waste Booklet | Citizens Against Government Waste

CAGW Issues Critical Waste Booklet

Press Release

For Immediate Release

Contacts:  Leslie K. Paige (202) 467-5334
February 16, 2011Luke Gelber (202) 467-5318


(Washington, D.C.) – Today, Citizens Against Government Waste (CAGW), the nation’s top taxpayer watchdog group, released its Critical Waste Issues for the 112th CongressIn contrast to the Congressional Pig Book, which details pork-barrel spending, and Prime Cuts, which identifies individual spending cuts, Critical Waste Issues cuts through the clutter to specifically outline some of the most important proposals for smaller and more efficient government. 

From agricultural subsidies to telecommunications reform, Critical Waste Issues details 10 policy areas that require immediate attention.  Many of these recommendations have been considered in the past.  But with greater concern than ever over the size and scope of the federal government, it is now time to have them implemented. 

During last year’s campaign season, politicians clamored to brag about how much they were going to cut spending.  While some steps have been taken early in the 112th Congress to address the record $1.5 trillion deficit for fiscal year 2011 and the fast-growing $14 trillion-plus national debt, including a two-year earmark moratorium in the House and Senate, much more needs to be done before the nation descends into bankruptcy. 

Excessive government spending results in greater involvement and interference in the economy and less personal freedom.  Eliminating government waste would help transfer power from Washington bureaucrats back to the states and the people. 

“Each section of this booklet delineates the case for reducing wasteful spending,” said CAGW President Tom Schatz.  “It should serve as a guide for lawmakers looking to do the most good for taxpayers without restricting any of the essential functions of government.”

Citizens Against Government Waste is a nonpartisan, nonprofit organization dedicated to eliminating waste, fraud, abuse, and mismanagement in government.  To learn more, visit