Innovation and Technology Policy Center

The Innovation & Technology Policy Center (ITPC) was created to increase the prominence of issues of great significance to CAGW, many of which have been at the forefront of the organization’s work since it was established in 1984. The issues covered by the ITPC include, but are not limited to, aerospace, antitrust, biopharmaceuticals, broadband, information technology, intellectual property rights, privacy, spectrum, and telecommunications.
The ITPC reviews current laws and regulations at the federal and state levels of government since they affect the inventions and innovations of tomorrow, with a focus on ensuring that new technologies are created under light-touch regulatory regimes, rather than heavy-handed decrees.
The ITPC enables CAGW to take on special projects on issues related to its mission to reduce waste, fraud, mismanagement, and abuse in government.
The ITPC benefits from the leadership of Executive Director/CAGW Vice President for Policy and Government Affairs Deborah Collier and CAGW President Tom Schatz, who have a combined 78 years of experience in many of the issues that are included in the ITPC’s mission.
The Latest from ITPC
IRS Still Plagued By Security Vulnerability
The Government Accountability Project (GAO) released a report on January 8, 2008 documenting the mediocre progress made by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) toward tightening its information security systems. The GAO said: “The IRS is at increased...
CAGW Hails FCC's Caution on 70/70 Rule Regulation
For Immediate Release November 28, 2007
CAGW Says Government Should Leave the Telecom Industry Alone
For Immediate Release Contacts: Leslie K. Paige 202-467-5334 October 10, 2007
CAGW Sends Cable a la Carte Back to the Kitchen
For Immediate Release September 20, 2007
CAGW and the TaxPayers’ Alliance Condemn EU Court Ruling on Microsoft
For Immediate Release Contact: Leslie Paige (202) 467-5334
Watchdog Group Names Rep. Tancredo a “Taxpayer Hero” Scores 90 Percent on CCAGW’s Congressional Ratings
For Immediate Release
Congressman Kanjorski (D-Pa.) joins a mushrooming list of members of Congress whose earmarking habits are getting a lot of media attention. Over an eight-year period, Rep. Kanjorski steered $10 million in earmarked federal funding (from the Energy...
CCAGW Testifies Against Net Neutrality in Maryland
For Immediate Release Daytime contact: Alexa Moutevelis: (202) 467-5318