What’s Worse than Most Favored Nation – Budget Reconciliation
The Biden administration proposes to recind President Trump's Most Favored Nation Policy.
Governor Cuomo’s Bridge Light Show Plans Go Dark
Gov. Andrew Cuomo's (D-N.Y.) is known for his failed schemes to boost the state's economy.
Broad Senate Support for the Return of Earmarks
Senators have eagerly embraced the return of earmarks, requesting 5,000 of the wasteful projects so far.
Democrats in Congress Move Country Closer to Bankruptcy
Democrats want to pass a $4.1 trillion budget, massively expands social welfare programs.
An Ominous Return of Earmarks in the House Transportation Bill
Legislators took full advantage of one of the first opportunities to add earmarks.
CAGW Names Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand May 2021 Porker of the Month
Senator Kirsten Gillibrand is our May 2021 Porker of the Month for saying “paid leave, child care and caregiving” are all “infrastructure.”
Republican Study Committee Budget Is Good News for Taxpayers
The RSC budget includes the elimination and consolidation of dozens of programs and agencies.
Congress Displays High Level of Support for Earmarks
Early results strongly suggest members of Congress will widely embrace the return of earmarks.
Beware the Words Investment and Free
When government officials talk about “investment” and “free” programs, taxpayers need to hang onto their wallets.
CAGW Names Rep. Mike Rogers April 2021 Porker of the Month
Rep. Rogers is our April 2021 Porker of the Month for leading the charge to bring back wasteful pork-barrel earmarks.
End of the Road for the OCO
The first Biden Administration budget request eliminates the Overseas Contingency Operations account, a victory for taxpayers.
Biden’s Infrastructure Bill Takes Spending Way Off Track
The American Jobs Act contains hundreds of billions of dollars for non-traditional infrastructure projects.