
All Guidelines Are Subject to Review, Including for Coronavirus
The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) just released its much clamored-for guidelines on how to safely open various establishments within communities, including schools.

Federal Bailouts Punish Fiscally Responsible States
The House of Representatives prepares to vote on a $3 trillion stimulus bill, which includes $875 billion for state and local governments.

CAGW Names Rep. Tim Ryan and Rep. Ro Khanna May 2020 Porkers of the Month
Reps. Tim Ryan and Ro Khanna (D-CA) are May 2020 Porkers of the Month for trying to trick Americans into thinking they are getting free money.

Government Control Over Manufacturing Will Hurt Development of COVID-19 Vaccines
Sen. Warren and Rep. Schakowsky are looking to give the government more control over the manufacturing of healthcare products and stealing IP.

RSC Offers Solutions to Boost Government Efficiency During Pandemic
The RSC's commonsense framework will guide America through the pandemic and ensure a speedy economic recovery.

A Coronavirus Cure Must Not Be Undercut
More than 300 clinical trials are underway for COVID-19 treatments and vaccines.

Healthcare Ready – What it Is and What it Does
Healthcare Ready, a non-governmental organization, is helping to coordinate collaboration to fight the coronavirus.

CARES Act Allocates $1.5 Billion to Bureaucratic Dinosaur
One of the most egregious examples of wasteful spending in the CARES Act is $1.5 billion allocated to the Economic Development Administration.

Telehealth is Here to Stay
Continued use of telehealth is a likely result of COVID-19.

Everyone's Hand Is Out When Money Is Handed Out
Loans generated from the coronavirus spending packages for small businesses loan and grant program have not gone as intended.

A Closed Economy is a Health Issue Too
A closed economy causes many healthcare problems and points to the need to reopening our country's businesses as soon as possible.

Republican Study Committee Offers Good Healthcare Ideas for Our Recovery
The RSC released a series of “letters,” entitled “A Conservative Framework for Recovery, Accountability, and Prosperity."