
"Fixing" Healthcare ... Again
This week, House Democrats brought to the floor H.R. 1425, with no bipartisan committee input and no amendments allowed.

Coalition Urges Treasury Action on Upcoming "Fiscal Cliff" of Tax Payment Deadlines
Coalition urges Treasury Sec. Mnuchin to defer tax payment deadlines.

Those Rising COVID-19 Numbers
On June 16, The Wall Street Journal published an opinion by Vice President Michael Pence, "There Isn’t a Coronavirus 'Second Wave.'" The numbers show he is right.

CAGW Names Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer (D) June 2020 Porker of the Month
Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer (D) is our June 2020 Porker of the Month for abusing her power during the coronavirus crisis.

C-Band Auction Process Must Continue
U.S. leadership in fifth generation 5G deployment and technologies is critical to the country’s economic future.

Successes with Deregulation and COVID-19
In May, President Trump issued Executive Order (EO) 13924 to combat the economic consequences of the coronavirus.

Federal Mandate on Debt Collection Will Not Help Struggling Consumers
Any future coronavirus relief packages must not include a federal “fix” for utilities’ debt collection. Doing so will only add to the intense economic pain with which customers and their families are already coping.

California Legislature Rightfully Criticizes Gov. Newsom for Government Overreach
Members of the California State Legislature have criticized Governor Gavin Newsom for keeping lawmakers in the dark about spending plans.

The White House Has a Plan for Surprise Billing
The White House last night released its plan for solving the surprise billing issue, which has been a hot debate in Congress since late 2019.

States Focus on Getting People Back to Work
As businesses reopen, people wonder what will happen to their unemployment benefits if they decide to not return to work when their employers ask them.

Made in America and Wherever Else It May Be Necessary
There have been urgent calls to require pharmaceutical and medical device manufacturers to create all their products in the U.S. – but is that wise?

The HEROES Act Will Prevent Americans From Getting Back to Work
The $3 trillion HEROES Act epitomizes everything that is wrong with the D.C. borrow-and-spend mindset.