Trump Energy Bailout is Coal in Taxpayers’ Stockings
Fox Business: President Trump’s plan to bail out failing coal and nuclear power plants recently took a major step forward and could cost taxpayers billions.
Hit the Brakes on High Speed Rail in Texas
TribTalk: Costs and completion dates for high-speed rail projects tend to increase dramatically and ridership projections fall short.
Hollow Promises On Feds’ Drug Discount Program
Daily Caller: Hospitals have been using the 340B program to enhance their own bottom line.
The Blueprint for Fiscal Responsibility
Townhall: Prime Cuts 2018 is a comprehensive account of options the federal government possesses to cut government waste, fraud, abuse, and mismanagement.
New Trade Agreement Includes Strong Intellectual Property Protections
Morning Consult: The new agreement includes protection of intellectual property rights and trade secrets, and a new digital trade chapter.
The World Health Organization's Misguided Effort to Stop Americans from Vaping
The Hill: Next month, U.S. officials will have the opportunity to defend Americans’ freedom to vape.
John McCain was a Taxpayer Hero
The Hill: The late Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) was not only a war hero. He was a taxpayer hero, as well.
New York City’s War on Progress
The Hill: In the fight between the bygone bureaucracies of the twentieth century and the booming innovations of the twenty-first, America’s largest city has chosen the rearview mirror.
A Closer Look at DOD’s Cloudy JEDI Contract
FCW: The JEDI program is a multiyear effort to modernize DOD’s IT systems into a cloud services solution.
Mike Coffman's Bad Legislative Approach to Net Neutrality
Washington Examiner: Rep. Mike Coffman has fallen into the net neutrality trap that purports to be “the answer to an open Internet.”
Compulsory Pharmaceutical Licensing is Little More Than Government Theft
The Hill: Any reasonable person knows that nothing is free: someone must always pay.
Extravagant High School Stadiums are a Waste of Taxpayers’ Millions
Houston Chronicle: The rise of multimillion-dollar stadiums in Texas echoes what has occurred on the national level.