Op-eds | Page 13 | Citizens Against Government Waste



Trump Energy Bailout is Coal in Taxpayers’ Stockings

Fox Business: President Trump’s plan to bail out failing coal and nuclear power plants recently took a major step forward and could cost taxpayers billions.

Thomas Schatz December 5, 2018

Hit the Brakes on High Speed Rail in Texas

TribTalk: Costs and completion dates for high-speed rail projects tend to increase dramatically and ridership projections fall short.

Thomas Schatz November 27, 2018

Hollow Promises On Feds’ Drug Discount Program

Daily Caller: Hospitals have been using the 340B program to enhance their own bottom line.

Elizabeth Wright November 8, 2018

The Blueprint for Fiscal Responsibility

Townhall: Prime Cuts 2018 is a comprehensive account of options the federal government possesses to cut government waste, fraud, abuse, and mismanagement.

Thomas Schatz September 26, 2018

New Trade Agreement Includes Strong Intellectual Property Protections

Morning Consult: The new agreement includes protection of intellectual property rights and trade secrets, and a new digital trade chapter.

Deborah Collier September 18, 2018

The World Health Organization's Misguided Effort to Stop Americans from Vaping

The Hill: Next month, U.S. officials will have the opportunity to defend Americans’ freedom to vape.

Elizabeth Wright September 14, 2018

John McCain was a Taxpayer Hero

The Hill: The late Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) was not only a war hero. He was a taxpayer hero, as well.

Curtis Kalin August 30, 2018

New York City’s War on Progress

The Hill: In the fight between the bygone bureaucracies of the twentieth century and the booming innovations of the twenty-first, America’s largest city has chosen the rearview mirror.

Curtis Kalin August 15, 2018

A Closer Look at DOD’s Cloudy JEDI Contract

FCW: The JEDI program is a multiyear effort to modernize DOD’s IT systems into a cloud services solution.

Thomas Schatz August 13, 2018

Mike Coffman's Bad Legislative Approach to Net Neutrality

Washington Examiner: Rep. Mike Coffman has fallen into the net neutrality trap that purports to be “the answer to an open Internet.”

Deborah Collier August 8, 2018

Compulsory Pharmaceutical Licensing is Little More Than Government Theft

The Hill: Any reasonable person knows that nothing is free: someone must always pay.

Elizabeth Wright August 6, 2018

Extravagant High School Stadiums are a Waste of Taxpayers’ Millions

Houston Chronicle: The rise of multimillion-dollar stadiums in Texas echoes what has occurred on the national level.

Thomas Schatz August 3, 2018
