5 Ways Bernie Sanders-style Socialism Would Hurt the US Economy
Fox Business: No candidate has done more to propel socialism than Sanders.
Consumer Privacy Moves to the Front Burner in Washington
Morning Consult: As Congress moves through the process of enacting updated consumer data privacy laws, members must agree to a clear and concise national policy.
After Gottlieb, FDA Must Stop Dragging Feet on Less Risky Alternatives to Cigarettes
Fox Business: For the past 10 years, the FDA has failed to act promptly to consider and approve harm-reduction products.
Senate Democrats Are Holding Up Hundreds Of Trump Nominees
Daily Caller: As of Feb. 11, 1402 nominations have been received in the Senate, with only 51 percent confirmed.
Firing Bad Federal Government Workers Should Not be Difficult
The Hill: One of the consistent drivers of the ongoing lack of faith in government is the bureaucracy in Washington and the workers who never seem to leave.
As We Head into Super Bowl LIII, DOJ Fumbles on Online Gambling Ban
Fox Business: The DOJ should realize it fumbled this regulatory decision and immediately reverse course before Super Bowl kickoff this Sunday.
How to Prevent Local Governments from Abusing Cable Franchise Fees
Morning Consult: In order to keep consumers’ cable bills lower, local officials should be prevented from charging exorbitant, unwarranted, and unnecessary fees.
The Shutdown Calls For Serious Reforms To The Budgeting Process
Daily Caller: Lawmakers need to get the nation’s fiscal house in order.
The Pentagon Failed an Audit it Never Expected, or Tried, to Pass
Washington Examiner: The DoD remains the sole federal agency that has not undergone a clean audit.
The Trump Economy Is Facing Democratic Headwinds
Daily Caller: The newly Democrat-controlled House of Representative will try to undo this era of American success.
Obama-Era Car Regulation Is Holding Up The Future of Communications
Daily Caller: The NHTSA issued regulations mandating the installation of a nearly 20-year-old technology in all new vehicles.
Trump Energy Bailout is Coal in Taxpayers’ Stockings
Fox Business: President Trump’s plan to bail out failing coal and nuclear power plants recently took a major step forward and could cost taxpayers billions.