The WasteWatcher

Congress Must Restore Spectrum Auction Authority
A year has passed since the FCC lost its spectrum auction authority. It is time for Congress to renew this authority.

Connecting Americans to Broadband Should Not Be Impeded
With $42.45 billion on the line to connect unserved communities, NTIA should not force states like Virginia to rate regulate.

New GAO Report Warns of Worsening Federal Debt
If Congress fails to act, Americans may face rampant inflation or a sovereign debt crisis.

CBO Projects Record High Deficits and Debt
The CBO projects that the federal budget deficit is already at $1.6 trillion and will grow by $20 trillion over the next decade.

House Passes Bill to Extend Parts of TCJA
The tax package extends and reforms several provisions that would increase business investment and economic growth.

Federal Agencies Need to Improve IT Modernization Efforts
Federal agencies are still struggling with software asset management and cloud adoption, potentially wasting taxpayer dollars.

A Monumental Giveaway
Virginia and D.C. compete to waste the most money on a taxpayer-subsidized arena.

Reflecting on Privacy Laws During Data Privacy Week
Data Privacy Week is an opportunity to review can be done to protect data and learn what privacy laws are being proposed.

IRS Errs in Moving its Own Tax Preparation System Forward
The Direct File program is another step in the IRS expanding its authority.

FDA Hurts Patients By Authorizing Florida’s Drug Importation Program
On January 5, 2024, the U.S. FDA authorized Florida's drug importation program.

The House Passes CARS Act to Protect Consumer Choice
The House passed bill will protect consumer automobile choice and halt EPA emissions mandate.

The IRS Moves Ahead With Confusing and Burdensome 1099-K Form
Restoring the previous 1099-K threshold would save taxpayers from unnecessary paperwork and greater confusion.