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The WasteWatcher

The WasteWatcher

FCC Trying to Take Over Your TV


CAGW Staff November 30, 2007
The WasteWatcher

Embattled Doan Cuts Waste

The General Services Administration (GSA) is often called “the government’s landlord.”  It is responsible for the upkeep of the government’s 8,600 buildings.  The agency has a $66 billion budget and 12,000 employees, and its current administrator is...

Sean Kennedy November 30, 2007
The WasteWatcher

Big Time ARM Wrestling

The country continues to experience uncertainty and volatility in the financial markets as a result of the crisis in the mortgage industry.  Financial services companies have been hit hard.  For example, Merrill Lynch announced an $8.4 billion...

Leslie Paige November 30, 2007
The WasteWatcher

No Congressional Pay Raise

One of the few remaining issues that enjoyed bipartisan support was finally broken up when Democrats used the annual “cost of living allowance” (COLA) increase to attack Republicans during the 2006 campaign.  Democrats also pledged not to pass a...

CAGW Staff November 30, 2007
The WasteWatcher

California Piglet

The 2007 California Piglet Book marks the fifth consecutive year of publication for the joint exposé of the waste, fraud, abuse and mismanagement by California government officials by the Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Foundation (HJTF) and Citizens...

CAGW Staff October 31, 2007
The WasteWatcher

Pork is Alive and Well

The new fiscal year dawned on October 1 without a federal budget and the Congress graciously granted itself another six weeks to complete its constitutional mandate to pass all 12 appropriations bills.  If it feels like déjà vu, that’s because it is...

Thomas Schatz September 30, 2007
The WasteWatcher

Waste on a Plane

According to a September 28, 2007 Government Accountability Office (GAO) report, federal employees have been flying first and business classes more than they should.  The GAO reviewed credit card records for air travel purchases of federal employees...

Sean Kennedy September 30, 2007
The WasteWatcher

Pelosi AIDS San Francisco

A battle has been brewing over funding in the Ryan White Comprehensive AIDS Resources Emergency Act (CARE) section of the fiscal 2008 Labor-HHS-Education and Related Agencies Appropriations Act.  In 2006, CARE was renewed with a revised funding...

CAGW Staff September 30, 2007
The WasteWatcher

Three-day Workweek

After much fanfare surrounding its introduction in January, the Congressional five-day workweek has been quietly retired for the rest of the legislative year.  The House will have Fridays off in October so representatives can spend more time in...

CAGW Staff September 30, 2007
The WasteWatcher

Department of Homeland Waste

Since its creation in March 2003, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) has been dogged by criticism of its ability to fight waste, abuse and mismanagement.  On September 6, 2007, the Government Accountability Office (GAO) released its latest...

CAGW Staff August 31, 2007
The WasteWatcher

Lawmakers Choose Pork Over Bridge Safety

The I-35 Bridge collapse in Minneapolis, Minnesota, which resulted in the deaths of 13 people, dominated several news cycles and gave politicians the kind of somber photo ops they can rarely resist.  Some, including House Transportation and...

Leslie Paige August 31, 2007
The WasteWatcher

European Taxpayers Speak Out

When many Americans think of Europe, they conjure up images of slow-moving socialist bureaucracies.  While this type of government may exist in some countries, there is a growing free market and taxpayer movement spreading throughout the continent.

CAGW Staff August 31, 2007
