
STELA Takes Center Stage at Hearing
The House Energy and Commerce Subcommittee on Communications and Technology is slated to hold a hearing on the Satellite Television Extension and Localism Act of 2010 (STELA) on March 12, 2014. This hearing opens a window of opportunity to discuss...

Eighteen Years and Counting
On February 8, 2014, the Telecommunications Act of 1996 will turn eighteen years old. For most eighteen year-olds this is a major milestone in life. Gaining a sense of maturity; showing that one is ready to face the world. You even get to vote.

Opening up Wi-Fi to the Internet of Things
Over the weekend, a high school freshman printed a history report; a man researched job postings over the Internet on his tablet; a family watched a TV show on their laptop while waiting for an appointment; and, a woman talked to her mother on her...

TV Viewing for the Next Generation
Today’s TV viewing options are much different than when Congress passed the Cable Act of 1992. This Act was passed in response to cable television rate increases following deregulation, a lack of competition in the cable marketplace and the concern...

Happy 35th Anniversary, Airline Deregulation!
As a hard-nosed researcher of low fares (in other words, I am a cheap flier), I am appreciative of the fact that, thirty five years ago today, President Jimmy Carter signed the Air Transportation Regulatory Reform Act into law, on October 24, 1978.

Legislation Puts Medicare Recovery Auditing, and Taxpayers, At Risk
Government waste, fraud, and abuse are a scourge on American taxpayers and a multi-billion dollar insult to the federal budget, but preventing improper payments, particularly in Medicare, is now running into roadblocks despite being a rare example...

A Big Nuthin Burger
Yesterday and today, the President pivoted for the 19th time to the economy and gave a one hour-

Unchanging Laws in a Marketplace of Change
The Center for Disease Control released a June 2013 report showing the number of households using only wireless telephone services is on the rise. This trend reinforces the need to update existing telecommunications

Next Steps for Net Neutrality
With the recent announcement by Federal Communications Commission (FCC) Chairman Julius Genachowski of his impending departure, the new commission chair will take charge of what has been called in The Atlantic Wire as “one of the more powerful...

It Isn’t 1996 Anymore
The year was 1996. Bill Clinton was in the White House; scientists reported that there might be life on Mars; Dolly the sheep, the first cloned mammal, was born; the T.V. hospital show E.R. topped the Neilsen’s ratings long before the “McDreamies”...