Price Controls

What’s Worse than Most Favored Nation – Budget Reconciliation
The Biden administration proposes to recind President Trump's Most Favored Nation Policy.

No Government Price Controls to Pay for Biden’s Gargantuan Spending Bill
Sen. Ron Wyden (D-Ore.) wants to use price controls in Medicare Part D to pay for President Biden's extravagant spending.

No Surprises Act Gets its First Interim Rule
The No Surprises Act was passed last year to stop surprise medical bills but in reality the law will end up causing more problems.

Pelosi’s Healthcare Nightmare Is Coming Back
Speaker Pelosi's (D-Calif.) 2019 drug pricing bill was introduced again, with all the horribles it had before but more dangerous.

Presidential Executive Orders Will Not Lower Drug Costs
On Friday, July 24, President Trump discussed his four Executive Orders that he claims will lower drug costs. They will not.

Wasteful Spending on 340B Keeps Growing and Growing
Amid the COVID-19 pandemic response, the 340B drug safety-net program problems seem to have gotten lost.

Union Opposes Rate-Setting to Solve Surprise Medical Billing
An issue that continues to bubble under the surface of the coronavirus pandemic is how to prevent surprise medical billing.

Using the Coronavirus Crisis to Implement Rate Setting is Unseemly
Price control always distorts markets and lead to shortages.

Congress Should Oppose More Government Interference in Drug Pricing
Price controls will simply cut off access to lifesaving drugs and force manufacturers to limit investment in new cures.

Cased Closed – The International Pricing Index is Foolish Policy
On Thursday, the CEA effectively closed the door to adopting a bad drug pricing policy.

Free Market Leaders Speak Out Against Healthcare Price Controls
We must keep Congress and the Trump administration from imposing price controls.

The IPI - Are We All Socialists Now?
Adopting these policies would validate socialized medicine schemes like price controls and rationing.