inflation reduction act | Citizens Against Government Waste

inflation reduction act

The WasteWatcher

Inflation Reduction Act Is a Trip Hazard for States and Local Communities

State and local leaders should allocate IRA funds with extreme caution.

Ryan Lanier May 1, 2023
The WasteWatcher

States Should Take the Lead on Fiscal Responsibility in 2023

States should take the lead in restoring fiscal sanity, establishing accountability, and increasing innovation.

Ryan Lanier February 2, 2023
The WasteWatcher

The IRA Could Make the IRS Preparer, Bill, and Enforcer

The Inflation Reduction Act requires the IRS study becoming a tax preparation service to compete against the private sector.

Deborah Collier September 8, 2022
The WasteWatcher

The Inflation Reduction Act Will Raise Drug Costs and Reduce Cures

Price controls in the Inflation Reduction Act will devastate future drug development and raise costs. 

Christina Smith August 5, 2022