Budget Control Act | Citizens Against Government Waste

Budget Control Act

The WasteWatcher

Senate Adds $1.7 Trillion to Deficit

The U.S. government is currently over $22 trillion in debt, a fact some of the bill’s Republican opponents raised during debate.

Allen Johnson August 2, 2019
The WasteWatcher

CCAGW Urges Members of Congress to Oppose Disastrous Budget Deal

House Democrats and the President have reached a deal that would raise discretionary spending caps by $320 billion over the next two years with less than a quarter in offsets. This agreement totally abandons the government’s fiscal responsibility.

Allen Johnson July 23, 2019
The WasteWatcher

Republican Study Committee Stands Firm on Budget Negotiations

Concerns are rising in Washington regarding the status of an agreement between House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Ca.) and the White House to raise the discretionary spending caps imposed by the Budget Control Act of 2

Allen Johnson July 22, 2019
The WasteWatcher

Senate Disaster Supplemental Would Add Billions of Dollars to Deficit Spending

The Senate is considering another poorly designed disaster aid package.

Allen Johnson March 29, 2019
The WasteWatcher

Are Republicans Serious About a Balanced Budget Amendment?

In 2018, Republicans have done little to separate themselves from Democrats when it comes to spending taxpayer dollars.  On February 9, the Bipartisan Budget Act of 2018

Peter Klensch March 29, 2018