
Reverse Auctions will Benefit Rural Americans
The FCC's Rural Digital Opportunity Fund reverse auction will provide $16 billion over ten years to help expand broadband to 6 million homes and businesses in unserved areas of the country.

FCC Moves Forward with L-Band Proceeding
FCC Chairman Ajit Pai circulates a draft proposal to move forward on the L-band proceeding.

Bernie's $150 Billion Broadband Boondoggle
Government-owned broadband networks often overbuild existing networks and waste taxpayer dollars.

A Government-Owned 5G Network Would Be a Massive Boondoggle
Despite mounting evidence to the contrary and President Trump’s announcement that he opposes nationalization of 5G, this idea keeps resurfacing. And like many other concepts emanati

USVI Should Avoid Repeating Municipal Broadband Failures
A U.S. Virgin Islands’ (USVI) public utility company is positioning itself to create a municipal broadband network that could come at the expense of hundreds of millions of duplicative taxpayer dollars under the guise of recovery from hurricanes...

FCC Chair Says T-Mobile Sprint Merger Good for Rural Americans
On May 20, 2019, T-Mobile US, Inc.

Congress Rushes to Pass Government Funding Package
The $333 billion spending package that Congress has cobbled together to avoid the threat of a partial government shutdown contains lots of giveaways that go beyond keeping the government’s lights on.

19 Things States Should Not Do In 2019
Governors and legislators new and old taking office this month will be inundated with advice from all directions. Each special interest and left-wing or right-wing single-issue activist group will have scheduled meetings between its highest-paid...

FCC Commissioner Offers Commonsense Advice to Rural Utilities Service
Publicly-funded broadband overbuild is an ongoing problem across the country. It is far easier to deploy new services alongside existing infrastructure than to build-out to those who remain in unserved areas.

FCC Works Through the Mid-Band Spectrum
On July 12, 2018, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) voted to adopt an Order and Notice of Proposed Rulemaking on Expanding Flexible Use of the 3.7 to 4.2 GHz Band (GN Docket No. 18-122).

Without Oversight, RUS Broadband Grant Program Could Follow Path of Stimulus
The recently released Farm Bill contained many of the same wasteful spending items found in past Farm Bills, but also held a few surprises that if not contained with transparency and appropriate oversight could lead to further wasteful spending.

A Twentieth Anniversary Not Worth Celebrating
In 1996, Bill Clinton resided in the White House; science produced the first cloned mammal, a sheep named Dolly; folks were dancing the Macarena; and the Simpsons became the longest running prime-time animated series. Unfortunately, not all twenty...