The Latest
A Monumental Giveaway
Virginia and D.C. compete to waste the most money on a taxpayer-subsidized arena.
Citizens Against Government Waste Names Sen. Ed Markey and Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez 2023 Porker of the Year
The dishonor went to Sen. Markey and Rep. AOC for wanting to spend trillions of dollars for their latest GND scheme.
Reflecting on Privacy Laws During Data Privacy Week
Data Privacy Week is an opportunity to review can be done to protect data and learn what privacy laws are being proposed.
IRS Errs in Moving its Own Tax Preparation System Forward
The Direct File program is another step in the IRS expanding its authority.
Citizens Against Government Waste Names Gov. Glenn Youngkin January 2024 Porker of the Month
Gov. Youngkin has agreed to spend hundreds of millions of taxpayer dollars on a new mega sports complex.
A government takeover of the internet would be disastrous
At the top of the list of Biden’s bad policies is the FCC’s proposed reimposition of net neutrality rules.
FDA Hurts Patients By Authorizing Florida’s Drug Importation Program
On January 5, 2024, the U.S. FDA authorized Florida's drug importation program.
The House Passes CARS Act to Protect Consumer Choice
The House passed bill will protect consumer automobile choice and halt EPA emissions mandate.
The IRS Moves Ahead With Confusing and Burdensome 1099-K Form
Restoring the previous 1099-K threshold would save taxpayers from unnecessary paperwork and greater confusion.
Establishing a Fiscal Commission Could Help Reduce Federal Spending
An effective spending control commission should draw inspiration from the Grace Commission and CARFA.
Broadening Participation Will Strengthen National Security Space Launch Program
The Space Force has taken a positive step to increase competition in its National Security Space Launch program.
Broadening Participation Will Strengthen National Security Space Launch Program
The Space Force has taken a positive step to increase competition in its National Security Space Launch program.