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CAGW Files Comments to the FCC On Proposed Net Neutrality Rulemaking
The re-classification of the internet as a Title II service will impose heavy-handed regulations and reduce broadband investments.
CCAGW Celebrates a Year of Victories
2023 saw Council for Citizens Against Government Waste secure another round of legislative wins in Congress and the states
Misguided Use of March-In Rights Will Harm Patients
The use of march-in rights to steal intellectual property will neither lower costs nor create more access to healthcare.
Farm Bill Reforms for the 118th Congress
Recommendations for the 2023 Farm Bill outlines fiscally responsible reforms to that Congress should take when they re-authorize the Farm Bill.
Interest on the National Debt is a Ticking Time Bomb
Congress should end its spending spree and reduce the federal debt.
National Spectrum Strategy Falls Short Without Auction Authority
The spectrum void places the U.S. at a competitive disadvantage.
The FCC Is Burning the Turkey
The FCC's two recent rule making proceedings will deliver a burnt Turkey for Thanksgiving by harming future investments.
North Carolinians are Being Conned by Certificate of Need Laws
North Carolina’s certificate of need laws should be repealed to increase access to quality care.
Citizens Against Government Waste Names Sen. Dick Durbin November 2023 Porker of the Month
Sen. Dick Durbin is trying to take away everyone's credit card benefits.
The FCC’s Digital Discrimination Order Will Harm Deployment
The Digital Discrimination Report and Order is problematic and will do more to harm consumers than help them.
The F-35 alternate engine should be buried forever
Funding an unnecessary second engine would contribute to the high costs and delays that have become the hallmark of the JSF program.
Give veterans a more efficient, modern healthcare system
Caring for the nation’s veterans should include providing them with the best possible benefits, especially medical care and treatment, during and after their service to the country.