Public Comments to Agencies
CAGW Submits Comments to FDIC on Change in Bank Control Act
The proposed rulemaking would place undue burdens on investors and asset managers.
CAGW Submits Comments to FCC on Cell Phone Unlocking
The FCC's rulemaking is unnecessary and an example of regulatory overreach.
CAGW Submits Comments on FTC's Interim Staff Report on PBMs
Overregulating PBMs will drive up prescription drug costs and be a disservice to the millions of patients that benefit from them.
CAGW Submits Comments for Tobacco Products Scientific Advisory Committee Open Session
Efforts to reduce burn tobacco product use include less harmful alternatives to cigarettes.
CAGW Files Comments with FCC on RDOF Emergency Petition
CAGW responds to an emergency petition filed by RDOF award winners asking for relief from the FCC's buildout requirements.
CAGW Files Comments to the FCC On Proposed Net Neutrality Rulemaking
The re-classification of the internet as a Title II service will impose heavy-handed regulations and reduce broadband investments.
CAGW Response to House Budget Committee and House Committee on Oversight and Accountability on Improper Payments
Congress should continue to conduct oversight to determine what further steps can be taken to reduce improper payments.
CAGW Files Comments on Federal Trade Commission and Department of Justice Draft Merger Guidance
The draft merger guidance will reduce competition and impose burdensome requirements on businesses across all industries.
CAGW Requests that the U.S. International Trade Commission Should not Expand the TRIPS Waiver
Expanding the COVID-19 TRIPS Wavier will further harm future biopharmaceutical research and development.
CAGW Submits Comments to CMS Against the Proposed Medicare Drug Price Negotiation Program Guidance
The proposed CMS guidance on enacting the IRA will harm patients by hindering drug research and development.
CAGW Response to Senator Thune on Broadband Funding
Broadband services should be properly implemented to prevent waste, fraud, abuse, and mismanagement.